In a joint communique statement issued today by the JACC, officials confirmed that the ongoing search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 had been completed and would be suspended following side sonar scanning and AUV operations covering a 120,000 sq km zone of the southern Indian Ocean. This search has lasted almost three years and has failed to identify any wreckage of the aircraft on the seabed.
Today the last search vessel has left the underwater search area. Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has not been located in the 120,000 square-kilometre underwater search area in the southern Indian Ocean.
Despite every effort using the best science available, cutting edge technology, as well as modelling and advice from highly skilled professionals who are the best in their field, unfortunately, the search has not been able to locate the aircraft.
Accordingly, the underwater search for MH370 has been suspended.
The decision to suspend the underwater search has not been taken lightly nor without sadness. It is consistent with decisions made by our three countries in the July 2016 Ministerial Tripartite meeting in Putrajaya Malaysia.
Whilst combined scientific studies have continued to refine areas of probability, to date no new information has been discovered to determine the specific location of the aircraft.
We have been overwhelmed by the commitment and dedication shown by the hundreds of people involved in the search, which has been an unprecedented challenge. Their tireless work has continued to improve our knowledge of the search area and has been critical in our efforts to locate the aircraft. We would like to reiterate our utmost appreciation to the many nations that have provided expertise and assistance since the early days of this unfortunate tragedy.
Today’s announcement is significant for our three countries, but more importantly for the family and friends of those on board the aircraft. We again take this opportunity to honour the memory of those who have lost their lives and acknowledge the enormous loss felt by their loved ones.
We remain hopeful that new information will come to light and that at some point in the future the aircraft will be located. Voice370, the MH370 Family Support Group, shortly afterwards issued their own statement and an appeal to the JACC to reconsider their decision to suspend the search.

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